sábado, 31 de julho de 2010


Hi there,

Yes, skirt can be used as a verb. It has half a dozen different meanings.

Here are two common ones.

- avoid

- go around (a border)



"For their part, cities across the country — more than 40 of which currently have lawsuits pending — argue that the online companies are seeking to skirt their responsibility to collect taxes on the full value of the rooms they book."



When asked about his out 0f wed-lock affair with a local waitress, the famous player skirted the issue.

(go around)

e.g. There has been a terrible pile-up on Main ave. so traffic will skirt twon.


DUN, used as a verb, means to ask for repeatedly.

For example:

"And the industry succeeded earlier this month in persuading Missouri to pass a law barring its cities from dunning them for taxes."



She dunned her father for a shiny car to impress her new found friends.